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Website Design

At SARtech Technologies Ltd. we custom build your website as opposed to forcing you to select from a limited range of pre-made templates. We use the most up to date website design methods and build your site to meet World Wide Web Consortium ( standards. We also optimize your website for the major search engines such as Google. We test your website in all the major web browsers to ensure it is compatible with each of them.
We design your website keeping in mind that you are going to want to make changes down the road. We design all of our sites using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS makes it much easier to maintain your web site by placing the content of a page in one file and the code pertaining to the "style" of your site in another.
As well as HTML, we specialize in dynamic languages such as ASP & ASP.Net and have extensive experience working with both MySQL & MS SQL databases.
A few of the things that can be added to your website
Interactive Calendar
Message /Bulletin Board
Advertising Banners
Image Gallery
Job Postings Board
Surveys & Polls
Multimedia Content
Content Management System
And this list is by no means comprehensive. Our team of programmers can meet virtually any need that you have.
It is our ambition at SARtech Technologies Ltd. to build a lasting relationship with our clients. We offer ongoing maintenance services and are proud to have clients that have been with us for years. We make it our job to learn about our clients' industry so as to better support them when it comes to leveraging their use of the internet.
A website is often a company's primary means of advertising so it needs the same care and attention that would be put into print marketing. It needs to reflect the culture of the business and leave the prospective client with a positive impression.
Our clients have included manufacturers, government, institutional, publishing, retail and sports & leisure.
We develop your website using the latest concepts in web design and in compliance with W3C standards.
We test your site in all the major browsers
And on the following operating systems:
Advantages of using CSS
- Easier to maintain your website
- Easier to change the look of your site
- Smaller file sizes which results in your pages loading faster
- Better search engine results
- Your site can be optimized for several different devices such as printer, projector, hand-held, Braille or screen reader
What is SEO?
SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization".
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of enhancing website elements in order to achieve high rankings on major search engines. We design the website elements such as: code, navigation, images and meta information, to ensure that search engines properly scan and score your website.
If you build it, they will come