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Content Management System (CMS)
- Features
Our Content Management Systems (CMS) goes beyond the traditional news publishing software to provide a complete content management system specially designed for your content management needs.

Powerful word-like content editor
Comes packed with an incredibly powerful word-like content editor. You don't need to know HTML or FTP to keep your site fresh and up to date with the WYSIWYG editor.

Zone Based
Zones are the places on your web site where you want your headlines to show up. Create multiple zones and subzones to classify your articles (I.E. Business, Sports, Music, Entertainment, etc.) Add any number of articles to any number of zones and control how your headlines will be displayed.

RSS News feed syndication
Easily syndicate your headlines to sites which support RSS XML News feeds. You can also syndicate independent feeds per zone.

Hosted or installed versions
CMS is a hosted solution meaning that there is no software for you to download or install.
For those that prefer to own, we will licence a copy that can be installed on your own web server.
He found a city of bricks and left a city of marble