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Mercury Email Messenger

  • Pricing

Email Messenger - starting as low as $15 a month

Our pricing is based on the number of emails that you send in a month. There is no limit to how many mailing lists that you can create or how often you can send a campaign.

single low monthly feeMonthly fee based on the number of emails that you send in a month.

no limit to number of campaignsNo limit to the number of campaigns that you send within your monthly limit.

no limit to number of mailing listsNo limit to the number of mailing lists.

# of emails Low monthly fee
0 ~ 500 $15
501 ~ 2,500 $30
2501 ~ 5,000 $50
5,001 ~ 10,000 $75
10,000 ~ 20,000 $150
20,000+ Call for quote

Custom Designed Templates

Choose from one of the many templates included in Mercury Email Messenger or create your own template using our WYSIWYG editor. Or, if you prefer, we can design you a custom template for $400 for the first one and $250 for each additional one.

Non multa, sed multum
Not quantity but quality